Baby Steps.
Giant Results.

Imagine a future where African communities flourish alongside a healthy environment. At CLENT Africa, we believe in the power of community and innovation to make this vision a reality. We’re tackling the big issues: fighting climate change, expanding renewable energy, safeguarding nature, advancing gender and disability equality, and using technology to empower people and solve these challenges.

Our Highlights

Our work has not only raised awareness but also inspired action, with various volunteers and local leaders joining forces to combat climate challenges.


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Empowering Communities for a Sustainable Future

To empower communities across Africa by education, fostering sustainable development, promoting renewable energy, championing disability & gender equality, and leveraging technology to create lasting change. We believe in a future where everyone on the African continent can thrive sustainably, with equal opportunities and access to resources.

Air Pollution​. Floods.

Africans Need to Breathe Easy, Clean Air Now. Resilience Against Rising Waters​.

Climate Action Now.

Cut Emissions. Reduce Desertification. Tackle Excessive Heat.

Air Pollution​. Floods.

Africans Need to Breathe Easy, Clean Air Now. Resilience Against Rising Waters​.


Climate Change. Energy. Environment. Technology.
Gender Equality & Disability.

Climate Change

Our climate change projects focus on education, advocacy, and implementation of strategies to reduce carbon footprints and promote sustainable practices.


We are committed to advancing renewable energy across Africa by installing solar panels in off-grid communities and providing training in renewable technologies.

Join us by taking action

Get Involved

Join our team of dedicated volunteers and make a tangible difference in African communities. Opportunities are available for various projects and initiatives.
Support our mission by making a donation. Your contributions help us expand our reach and enhance our programs' effectiveness. Options for one-time and recurring donations are available.
We welcome partnerships with businesses and organizations that share our vision for a sustainable future. Explore how you can collaborate with us to create impactful change.

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We’re constantly doing small things, big things, & making impact in all of Africa. Don’t miss out on anything. Subscribe to our monthly newsletter to stay informed.

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